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Optimizing Sales Process: Positioning Yourself Strategically with Terry Ogburn



In business, how can you create more with less? Terry Ogburn, renowned owner and lead business coach of Ogburn’s Business Solutions, talks about optimizing sales process by thinking more strategically rather than just tactically. Terry’s proprietary coaching system and personal devotion to the development of others has contributed to the success of hundreds of small to large business ventures. Terry began his business career in 1979 when he invested his last $118.42 to start an air conditioning service business. At that time, he had no car or truck, but he did have the knowledge and ability to build relationships. Ten years later, he developed his own business success program based on his experience and the teachings of his favorite business books, leading to the founding of Ogburn Business Solutions. Terry says if you want to be successful, find an industry that needs help, and get right in the middle of it, because if it’s messed up, you can make a lot of money fixing it.