Take Back Time: Time Management | Stress Management | Tug Of War With Time

Strategies And Tools For Time Blocking with Lynda West



We don’t know when our last breath is going to be. We can get distracted in different ways that we have to continually remind ourselves of what’s important. We have to make a choice to be more purposeful so we can be more productive in doing things that we love and make the most of our time. Lynda West, known as the Oprah of San Diego, explores the concept of time blocking and focusing on what’s important. Lynda is a master connector, bestselling author of The Year of Fears, creator of the Finishit Fast Program where she turns procrastinators into actionators, and the Facebook Live queen having done 2,700 plus Facebook live videos. She reveals that spending time doing things that she doesn’t want to do is not something she wants to do anymore, and so she’s made a conscious choice to make sure that if she’s not happy doing something that she shifts either in her mind or actually remove herself from the situation and put herself into something that makes her happy. Lynda shares why time blocking is important an