
CinderellaCEO-Katherine Klimitas packs a punch



At two-foot-seven inches tall, Katherine Klimitas packs a punch of talent, energy and inspiration. Katherine was nominated for the 2019 Cinderella to CEO Awards for her inspirational life story.Katherine’s winning personality comes through in this interview with Cary Broussard, host of Cinderella to CEO On Air. Katherine works as a fine artist, jewelry maker and graphic designer. Rod Stewart became a high profile client of Katherine’s - engaging her to create and submit designs around the release of a new album. Katherine has a disability that has never allowed her to walk, run or move normally. She writes "I can't open a marker. I can't pour a glass of water. I often don't get the privilege of privacy. I need someone with me every second of my life. However, I learned that I could speak and that when I did, people not only listened but were also amazed. At age 30, Katherine is often mistaken for a baby because of her diminutive stature. A graduate of Loyola University, people assume that because Katherine i