
U.S. Tourism Leader Casandra Matej is Positive About Cinderella Comeback for Travel



President & CEO of Visit San Antonio Casandra Matej tourism stopped in to chat with C2CEO On Air on Tuesday, Dec. 8th. Cassandra is one of only a few women leading a U.S. tourism bureau. In addition to leading San Antonio's $15.2 billion hospitality industry, Cassandra also serves on the board of the U.S. Travel Association. She is well known for generating record tourism highs in San Antonio and successfully transitioned the C&VB to a public/private partnership to become Visit San Antonio.We talk about the opportunities for women (and men) in hospitality and tourism during the pandemic. Learn how Cassandra, her team, and San Antonio citizens keep tourists connected and coming back to the city (including kayaking in the city's central tourism district). My co-host Faye Hall Jackson and I have spent years teaching, studying, and working in tourism-related fields, including Conrad Hilton School and NYU's Tisch Hospitality School, so we enjoyed catching up with Casandra and talking about the state of