Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

045: Graceful Breakups with Kelsey Grant



Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The topic today is how to have a healthy break up and the guest star is Kelsey Grant, a love and relationship coach. Rob’s viewpoint on break ups are that they’re part of the natural cycle. There’s all this cultural bias around breaking up and how it’s bad and means that you didn’t succeed, however Rob thinks that’s a load of crap. This show is about how to transition from a relationship and gracefully move into the next scene. Kelsey is passionate about living in a world where people are inspired, fulfilled, balance and happy within the expansiveness of their intimate relationships. As a love and relationship educator rooted in radical self-love methodology, she writes, speaks, and teaches coaches, thought leaders and game-changers on how to access greater alignment with love for their leaderships to thrive. She is a founder and facilitator of a local sisterhood circle, and currently she is teaching A Year of Love, her flagship 12-month program that focuses on th