Natural Products Insider

Lollipop made with teeth-friendly ingredient created by ‘Kidpreneur’—podcast



When Zollipops founder Alina Morse was 7 years old, she went to the bank with her dad, Tom, and the teller offered her a lollipop. While she wanted to accept, her parents always told her that candy was terrible for her teeth. In that moment the idea for Zollipops was born. Alina and her dad set off to make delicious lollipop treats that were good for teeth. This origin story as well as the brand’s mission and formulation fueled the product’s winning of the Best Brand Storytelling NEXTY Award at SupplySide West 2019. In this podcast, Tom speaks with Sandy Almendarez, content director, Natural Products INSIDER, about the origin and formulation process of Zollipops.