Natural Products Insider

Hemp can build a better economic, ecologic and societal revival - podcast



ToddCast Vol. XVIII: You say you want a revolution? Hemp is the answer—that’s right, it can pave the way to better alternatives than many of the problems staring us in the face as industrial, civilized humans – the plastic problem, the climate crisis, the pollution of our waterways, the unsustainable way we have organized our societies. Natural Products Insider senior editor Todd Runestad catches up the hemp majordomo promoter Morris Beegle, co-founder and president of WAFBA—short for We Are For Better Alternatives. Listen in as they dig into: How it’s time for people engaged in the hemp CBD business to go pro—or go home and stop gumming up the architecture of this fledgling industry. The key to the realm of hemp dominance is when “whole plant utilization” comes to fruition—using not just the flower for CBD but the stems, stalks and seeds for biomaterials, biofuels, bioplastics, animal feed and healthy human nutrition. The one entity that can save us from being “f@(#*d” by climate change and lead the