Hire Purpose Podcast

S1E11. Managing an Aging Workforce with Grace Westdorp



Grace Westdorp is the General Manager of Health, Safety and Wellbeing at Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety (WIS). Grace joined us to demonstrate how WIS is successfully managing its aging workforce.Through their program, ‘Planning for the Time of Your Life’ WIS invites employees over 45 years of age to consider their working needs and arrangements over the next 15 to 20 years. This is achieved via conversations to gain valuable information and insights into some of the key topics around work and transition to retirement; health and wellbeing, community and finance. These sessions are linked to strategies to better support the changing needs of mature age employees. They are also very much focussed on understanding personal circumstances to be better prepared and to be able to create a future that meets the needs of the individual.Discover the benefits of supporting an aging workforce to better take control of their health and wellbeing.