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The LED Project Podcast #123: Reflect, Learn, Amplify w/ Rae Hughart



On this episode we were delighted to have Rae Hughart (hugh---art)to talk about how she strives in her teaching craft to always reflect, learn, and amplify! We love that because as she explains reflection is the where true growth in any endeavor starts and it is incredibly important for teachers. From that reflections Rae explains we learn the ways we're able to improve ourselves and the people around us. And after we've reflected and learned we are then responsible to amplify those learnings in our interactions with others and as teachers we use that as opportunities to continually build strong relationships with our kids! We also had the chance to talk about her work with The Teach Better Team ( and her podcast with Jeff Gargas Teach Better Talk (! If you'd like to connect with Rae online The Teach Better Team has a private Facebook group you can request to join or you can find her on Instagram and Twitter @