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Part 2 With Principal Kafele!!



This is part two of our interview with Principal Baruti Kafele and in this part of the conversation we dig into why leadership and leadership style matters so much to teachers.  After a successful career as a teacher and administrator Kafele has spent the better part of two decades working with teachers and administrators in developing their leadership styles. Many of these questions are the ones he asked us when we saw him present at AIE in October of 2019 and we're so thrilled to share them with you. We hope that as an educator you realize that your individual leadership style matters and the important question you must ask yourself to find your leadership style comes from Kafele-- ask yourself WHY DO I LEAD THE WAY THAT I LEAD? This episode is all about purpose and we hope that it helps you to reengage with your purpose as an educator!  To learn more about Baruti Kafele head over to! To learn more about our work head over to! To get access to exclusive train