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Books Our Kids Can See Themselves in w/ Gary Gray Jr!



This is the second half of our fourth interview with Gary Gray Jr. (@garyrgrayjr) and we asked him how he has curated his classroom libraries with books that his students can see themselves in. Whenever we are in need of book recommendation or have questions on how we can be more culturally responsive in our teaching Gary is one of the first people we reach out to.  He always uses the metaphor of WINDOWS, MIRRORS, and DOORS when describing the books that students need. The need books that are mirrors they can see themselves in, books that are windows to see the world through, and doors for the to step through to grow in their understanding of others. Throw in a little NBA talk and this episode is everything we hoped it would be! Thanks again to our brother Gary Gray Jr. for spending time with us and thank you for listening!  Find Gary on Twitter, Youtube and Instagram @garyrgrayjr! To learn more about Lighthouse Educator Development and the projects we're pursuing head to! Be sure