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Reverse Engineer the End of the Year!



We're about 2/3 of the way done with the 2019-20 school year and we all know this can be a very trying time as an educator. After spring break ends it will be a long road with no breaks to the end of the year. Most likely you'll be doing some kind of testing between right now and the end of the year. As the weather gets warmer the students and teachers get antsy. Yet, this is the most crucial time of the year. IT IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO MAKE THE JOB OF THE TEACHERS OUR STUDENTS HAVE THIS YEAR A LITTLE EASIER!  We have a chance in these last three months to pour into our students more of what they will need to be successful in the next grade and next phase of life. On this episode we share some of our tricks for reverse engineering the end of the year. It starts with thinking about how you want your kids and yourself to feel on that last day of school. Then work backwards to outline the steps you'll need to take to make that moment a reality. We hope this episode helps you make the most of the last part of