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Distance Learning Lag Time



As teachers we know the importance of communication, meaningful feedback,  and consistent interactions. What do you do when all of those things cease?  In this time of crisis learning we all have struggle to connect with our kids and provide them meaningful feedback. One of the biggest challenges we have faced during this time of crisis learning has been lag time. We are sending out assignments that we won't get back for over a week and by then we've already had to move on to new stuff. Our kids don't respond to emails and don't engage in our online communities.  All of these have made our team feel like we haven't done enough to support our kids. We suspect you might be feeling the same way.  We hope you'll listen to this conversation our team had about what we have learned during this time and how we plan to be ready for whatever next year brings!  Above all we want you to know you're doing an amazing job and no matter where you are in the content you're right where you need to be!