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#254: Breaking Down Barriers in Teacher Prep Programs with Jen Newton and Mira Cole Williams



Jen Newton, PhD and Mira Cole Williams, PhD are the creators of TEACHING IS INTELLECTUAL and we feel so fortunate to have had a conversation with the are teacher educators striving to make the work of preparing inclusive teachers and supporting inclusive teachers visible.  They are assistant professors at Ohio University and James Madison University respectively, teacher educators, professional developers, learners, mentors, mentees, moms, and more.  Here are some of the topics and questions for this episode: Inclusions teachers aren’t in the room just to teach the students with disabilities. Giving students access to typical spaces. Ableism and Equity Being Disruptive in Teacher Ed. and Special Ed. Inequity in Teacher Prep  How do we know when they’re ready for what’s next? False Barriers What should be imbedded within all teach prep programs and courses? Social Justice, Anti-bias anti-racist, anti-ableism Prioritizing data interpretation vs. just collection This is part one