Dreams Alive

Interview w/*Zim Ugochukwu*, Travel Noire, Social **Entrepreneur** & Travelista



The Founder of TravelNoire.com is a unique and priceless individual who has stepped beyond the boundaries of normalcy, and is living a life that many dream of.  In this episode we'll speak with Miss **Zim Ugochukwu**, an amazing young female social entrepreneur and travelista.  You don't know what a social entrepreneur is?  Listen in to find out, and hear how her dream is taking her and others, all over the world. This Glamour Magazine award-winner has presented to over 15,000 people worldwide, spent a year living in India and traveling through Asia, flew around the circumference of the earth seventeen times, and visited three countries in twenty-four hours by plane. Listen in to hear how this go-getter keeps her **Dreams Alive** through travel.