Film Geek Central

Shutter Island, District B13 Ultimatum, North Face, Séraphine



Film Geek Central is back to find the squishiest part of your film geek brain and poke it repeatedly.First up this week is SHUTTER ISLAND. Are we looking forward to it? Of course we are. Any time we get to see a new Scorsese film, it's like Christmas to any true film geek. This is more of a straight up psychological thriller, a genre he really hasn't tackled since his remake of CAPE FEAR nearly twenty years ago. Boy, do I feel old.We also have the action sequel, DISTRICT B13: ULTIMATUM. This is a sequel to a Luc Besson-produced film from a couple years back. The two heroes of the original try to bring peace to an area ruled over by gang lords. Expect lots of jumping and kicking.We'll also take a look at NORTH FACE, a film that details the adventures of a few mountain climbers as they strive to achieve their goals despite an unforgiving landscape.Finally, SERAPHINE is a film that was released to a number of territories already. It's the true story of Séraphine de Senlis, a modest woman from a common background