Business: Engaged!

Why Business Expansion Doesn't Always Mean More Profit



Over twenty years, Eureka Pizza has earned its place as Arkansas’ leading independent pizzeria. Owner Rolf Wilkin today is keeping it local with his nine Northwest Arkansas pizza shops. He talks about the journey to expand and shares his insights. He’ll be the first to tell you that massive growth doesn’t always mean more profit, or, more importantly, quality of life. Rolf has always believed in shameless self-promotion. From standing on street corners shaking signs to recording his own pizza commercials to engaging with followers on Twitter, he’s the face of Eureka Pizza. We aren’t just buying a pizza, we’re doing business with Rolf. And like any serial entrepreneur, Rolf also has lots to say about his newest business, Local Trade Partners. This trade bank is nationally affiliated but he understands that what local business owners really want is to do business with other local business owners. We talk about why his local approach works for the barter network members.This is Episode 10. It originally aired on