Adrian Slade Show

Rat Infested Debates



Being critical of the failures of legacy politicians, who implement failed policies that end up resulting in devastating results for the community, is a form of racism. The President makes the claim that Baltimore is rat infested. We show how he's actually correct.  The Left is taking the horrific shooting at a Garlic Food Festival in California and spinning it into a White Supremacist event, even though the shooter is Iranian. Let's "Speed Date" with CNN, as they "fluff the taints" of their favorite candidates in an effort to humanize them and give them brand naming. We watch them "kick the tires" and cover an overview of DNC Primary Debate #2, Night #1 (The show was produced before Debate #2, Night #2). Follow online : Twitter - @rantsoutloud and @adriansladeshow Also, follow on PARLER, GAB, COMVO, CloutHub, and MEWE - Search Adrian Slade. On SNIPPY too - search "Adrian Slade Rants Outloud" Check out the Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spreaker, Google Play Music, Tune-In App, iHeart Radio Get