She's In The City By Nasheville

Let Go of Your Guilt & Take Back Your Joy ft. Valorie Burton



I could not think of a better topic to re-start She’s in the City in 2021 than: STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP AND TAKE BACK YOUR JOY! “Wow,” you’re probably thinking, “that’s exactly how I’m feeling. But how on earth do I do that??”  Well, psychologist, life coach, and best-selling author, Valorie Burton, is here to tell us. Her most recent book, Let Go of the Guilt, gives us practical insight on how to do just that. She’s a 13-time author whose work is a combination of research, faith, and personal transparency, and we love her. Throughout her career, she’s focused much of her research and teaching on resilience, happiness, and guiding people into their greater potential, and GETTING UNSTUCK!  The reason she wrote the book? She feels guilty too! Why? Because we all do!! All the time!  “The catalyst for the book was truly the feeling of this consistent heavy sigh I felt from most of the women in my life – and felt myself,” Valorie says.  We all live with guilt for different reasons – a heavy, shameful, sometimes e