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TED RUBIN | Why loving your kids is the best and hardest thing you’ll ever do #030



Ted Rubin had to learn an incredible lesson in unconditional love – both for his kids and for himself. Working through divorce, anger, and pain, any one of us can grow to become more grateful, whole, and equipped to deal with life’s challenges more effectively. Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Brand Evangelist and Acting CMO of Brand Innovators. Author of the books, “Return on Relationship” and “How to Look People in the Eye Digitally” “Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more you engage them the stronger and more valuable they become” On this show we talk about building relationships, fatherhood, and defaulting your life to happy. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: There’s no let up in life Build relationships through a point of emotional connection Social has made the ability to connect with people more accessible than ever before Divorce was not the problem, it wasn’t until after the divorce that it become difficult Our nation has a