Fire Through Spirit On Empower Radio

The Law of Attraction with Paul Sutherland



Many people search for the truth, the elixir of life or the secrets of success. But with the sea of information out there, it’s often difficult to discern truth from falsehood. Paul Sutherland's book, Breaking the Law of Attraction, is a guide directing people toward what really matters in life: internal happiness centered on love, peace and truth. While the Law of Attraction has value, Paul takes the "pretty" out of the real world and explains how hard work, positive belief and solid focus will get you where you need to go in life for all the right reasons. Money isn't the goal: making money while pursuing your dreams and staying true to yourself is hitting the jackpot. We'll be talking with Paul about his take on "The Secret" and the whole LOA genre Thursday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Join us!