Miserable Retail Slave

269. Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter



At ease, maggots. This time, Sgt Slaughter becomes our patron saint! He's a real American hero and followed us on twitter, so this eppy is dedicated to him. Plus, Eve 6 puts our tender heart in a blender with their endlessly fascinating Twitter account.   Welcome to the Miserable Retail Slave Show! Watch your words/ my jaw hurts/ supple/ Epiphany/ Vaping/ Joe Camel weeps/ living embodiments of our own vices/ why do people want us to try foods that they don’t like?/ A Christmas Story and sticking your tongue to a pole/ an original Harley/ Grandpa would punch tornadoes in the face/ losing your edge/ the one armed man with road rage/ Tommy gets punched in the face/ Humble in a Different Way/ Sgt Slaughter Fancast/ Sgt Slaughter is the new patron Saint of MRS/ wanting a Sgt Slaughter GI Joe/ Cobra Clutch and a Sgt Slaughter and the Camoflauge album/ Tommy fell asleep at a Neil Diamond concert/ Slotter the otter/ singing the tweets of Eve 6 Call The Miserable Hotline!!! (810) 328-3826
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