Stellar Firma

STL 53 - Mentors and Management Consultancy



Episode 53 - Mentors and Management ConsultancyConsultants successfully recaptured, alert level lowered to alternating blue and green strobes. Paradrak Ngelion assigned for orientation. The client, The Eternal Order of Patriarch Hans, requests fundraising and image improvement advice to help combat the impact of their murderous activities. Management Consultants' advice: exciting new mission statement; sotto voce logo slogans; bowel cleaning eye machine (unrelated); BANG; dusky glances; self-reflecting commands; vouchers for horrifying products. Content warnings for: Emotional abuseBullying/tauntingUnhealthy relationshipsCults & cult activityAlcoholism & dangerous drinking practicesSwallowing SFXInnuendoMentions: zombies, kidnapping, existential crisis, guns, death, injury, blood, poisonTranscript: thanks to Penny Dreadful Mess for this episode's Brief Submission and this week's Patrons: Nicole Perlman, Devon, Cayleigh Latimer, Little King Trash Mouth