Stellar Firma

Cabaret Night at the Cosmic Lounge: Trexel is the Best



Trexel is the BestThis one's going out to anyone who’s ever woken up after a three-day binge full of doubt… shame… Yes… When you're feeling kinda down and low Don't know what to do or where to go Physical and emotional pain Paranoia and self-hatred reign Get your stinking body off the floor Drag that worthless carcass to the door Look in to the empty hall Hard to see the point at all (No) NO! That’s no way to think That a Geistman could ever be defeated by drink The line that you represent and Your many great achievements This genius is once in an aeon Don’t let yourself get gainsaid by peons Superior to all the rest, don't forget Mmmm, Trexel is the best Trexel is the best, ooh, it's unequivocal Trexel is the best, what's that? Say it again Trexel is the best, don’t argue with me Trexel is the best (he’s the best) My methods? Always non-traditional Love for myself? Always unc