A Musical Life

A Musical Life: Dan Dixon



Dan Dixon is a founding member of Atlanta, Georgia’s PLS PLS and is a producer and recording engineer who operates his own studio. PLS PLS’s latest release is Everything That’s Left. Dixon has also recently overseen the reissue of several recordings from his previous band, Dropsonic, in addition to a rarities collection titled The Best of the Rest. “PLS PLS’s music is often trying to find the balance between making you bob your head and singalong while, also, lyrically, bumming you out entirely. Production is a huge part of the songwriting process for us because I’m often writing songs by myself in the studio. So, any sounds that I get on a demo or as I’m creating an idea, usually end up on the actual final recording and they inform what anybody else plays as they come into the picture later. They inform anything else that I come up with that follows it. So, every sound and part is forced to interlock with what came before it instead of everybody playing at one time, sort of conforming