Kerry Ruff




Dear Moving Your Energy Differently Community, I created the podcast you are about to hear to help individuals improve the quality of their day-to-day lives by  using one’s personality, energy, and communication skills. I recently spoke to a group in New York City about the aspects of doing just that. CONVINCING people to do what you what them to do takes skill. We all know that but do we take the time to develop that skill?  We discussed some ways to use the art of convincing others at this gathering.  Keep moving your energy differently, Kerry To persuade: cause (someone) to do something through reasoning.  (coax, convince, win over, or influence) Very much like “commercials.” Kerry Ruff (Communication & Social  Strategist Creating an action plan to achieve clients' goal, faster) Social Media: How to masterfully approach this digital tool that quickly enables you to share media with the public and build visibility and awareness of your ideas. kerryjruff@gmail.c