The Magnus Archives

Announcement: Seasons Greetings 2020



Hi everyone, Alex here, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season and give thanks to all of you who helped us get to where we are this year.  Obviously 2020 has been wild ride for everyone and we have all had to adapt and adopt new ways of working and living. Yet despite all these extreme circumstances Rusty Quill has managed to stand tall and we wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made this possible.Here at Rusty Towers, we started the year hoping for convention appearances and maybe some international travel; instead, we pivoted to fully remote working to keep all your favourite shows ticking along safely and launched new online content like the Enthusigasm podcast and our Twitch live streams. Not only that, we have continued donating towards the Covid Relief Fund every month and with your additional help through Gaming and Giving we have raised more than £55,000 pounds to charity this year. That is astounding.We are incredibly grateful to have such a s