Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

62: Weight Loss And The Word. How Scripture Sets The Foundation For Your Weight Loss Plan. Weight Loss For Christians Series PART 2



You’ve been following the diets and recommendations of experts and fitness influencers to lose weight so why should you go to scripture for your weight loss plan?  Whether your weight loss plan is already working or not scripture is the ultimate foundation because it reminds us about our God given purpose, gives us much needed conviction, and it provides good instruction for what to do next on your weight loss journey (and everything else!). Open your ears to today’s message and then let me know by leaving me a review. Your review helps other women find this podcast so I really appreciate those of you who take a minute to write me an honest review. I can’t wait for you to tune in!  Stay Courageous & Fit, Jaclyn Castro Need help mapping out your individualized roadmap to your food, fitness, and weight loss frustration in an hour ($97)? Then, BOOK now for my FAITH TO FOOD FREEDOM FOUNDATION PROGRAM. After that you have the option to upgrade to my 6-week implementation strategy coaching ($297) where we creat