Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

65: How to ENJOY HOLIDAY FOOD Without the GUILT?



It’s no secret that the holiday season comes with what seems like a never ending escape of the temptation of food. And all the seasonal foods make you anxious because of the guilt feeling that comes after indulging in the pumpkin pie, etc. If you want to know how to enjoy holiday food without the guilt this is the episode for you! HINT: It has nothing to do with eating your veggies first, guzzling tons of water, or bringing your containers of portioned healthy food to the Christmas party. Grab your notebook and pen, press play, and TAKE NOTES so you can be prepared when you’re standing in front of the table filled with homemade sandies, creamy eggnog, and warm pumpkin tarts. Over the years as a Christian, the Lord has truly helped me be content through His confidence to go to these holiday parties where there are homemade goodies and a mile long table of food. I share with you HOW you can do the same in this episode. Can’t wait for you to tune in! Let’s WALK this Marathon with Christ, Jaclyn Message me about