Kol Ha Yeshuah Netivyah Podcasts

Malach Hapanim part 18



Kol Hayeshuah (The Voice of Salvation), is the Hebrew partner of "Trans World Radio" worldwide gospel radio network. Our goal is to present the Good News to our Hebrew speaking audience within the context of the Jewish and Hebrew culture in which the gospel originated. To our sorrow, the tortured history of Jewish-Christian relations has created one of the most striking paradoxes in human history: that the most important Jewish figure of all times, the cornerstone of the church, is still largely a "Stumbling Block" in the land of his birth. Proclaiming the gospel in Israel is therefore a challenging and sensitive matter. Yet, motivated by the calling to proclaim his salvation from day to day (Psalm 96:2), Kol Hayeshuah radio, the only Hebrew ministry of its kind, is working to break a small crack in this fortified wall of indifference and hostility and to make way for our lost brother to return home crowned in glory. Our program list includes a variety of Bible teachings by different producers, which cover a wide range of New Testament issues, and are approached with the unique perspective of Jewish literature and traditions. All the programs are in Hebrew, except a weekly Russian program on Friday night. Kol Hayeshuah also produces a Hebrew version of "Through the Bible," Dr. Vernon McGees extensive Genesis-to-Revelation Bible course. Kol Hayeshuah's broadcast can be received each night at 22:00 23:00 PM (Israel time) on Medium Waves 1350 KHZ in the whole Middle East area as well as South East Europe. This podcast is free and is provided as Thank you for all the support that you give our ministry in Jerusalem Israel. First Century Jewish Messianic Faith in Twenty-First Century Jerusalem.