Stellar Firma

STL 52 - Games of Spies and Guns of Paper



Episode 52 - Games of Spies and Guns of Paper *Caution* Citizen Employee Geistman and Clone David 7 still at large. Intelligence gathered by an undisclosed line manager known only as Plartro Hiltz working with the kind assistance of Fernsworth, Head of Sabotage and Espionage. None shall escape The Board... or would want to... Hail The Board! Content Warning for: Emotional abuseExistential crisisBullying/tauntingComedic violenceJump-scareFire (inc SFX)Mentions of: death, injury, alcohol/smoking, guns.TRANSCRIPT: thanks to Fleuranna for this episode's Brief Submission and this week's Patrons: theflyingpiano, Ana, Christian Nabli, thisistrashking, Catherine N., Shane Crowley, Robert Johnson, catsandbolts, Sarah Kitchen, schneefink, Spookyghostboy, Lyssie, Indigo Lee, Kait Sanchez, TheCookieOfDoom, Dana Milligan, David Michalek, XBFNoodles, .vouivre, Caisey Robertson, Kris Tsvirkun, Amelia Ford, Mistodon, Mia Cong, Alice Erebus, Nine, Alice Kneipp, HoloXam, Aaron