Know Pain, Know Gain

122: How to Beat Procrastination the Fun and Silly Way with Wendy Hart (Part II)



"You don't need to change who you are. Everybody has enough motivation on the inside." -Wendy Hart   This week we're going on a little tour out of the box with Professional Performance Coach, Wendy Hart. You may remember Wendy from episode 110 and how we talked about decision fatigue. Today, our talking point orbits around another relatable topic: PROCRASTINATION. We all wish we were as productive as we can be. But it's not easy, perhaps nearly impossible to be highly prolific all the time. Reality strikes to remind us that there are times that our system is down and we have to put things off. Yet this reason seems to fall short and we are disappointed with ourselves, which disheartens us and eventually snowballs to more procrastination and unproductivity. Guess what! Procrastination is NOT your fault! You read that right. Wendy Hart explains why that is and how we can beat procrastination the fun way! Wendy shares points we got wrong about will power, unknown neuroscience facts, the chemistry of dread, and u