Pod To Pluto

Pod To Pluto: EP19 - A Day Waiting For Podot



Join Jemima & Pod as they spend a long day waiting for ‘Pod Zero’ to arrive, in a production clearly not ghost-written by Samuel Beckett. So can our existential search for meaning in this world be summed up by a five billion mile journey to Pluto to go turn off a lightbulb? Or is this just another case of us all ‘passing the time’ together? Whatever happens, one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Pod Zero to come. Also... it better not kill us horribly when it arrives! Welcome back to our scifi comedy podcast audiodrama; as we get ready to enter the endgame. Just as we’re about to reach our final destination. Stay subscribed; as the situation on Pluto is about to take a number of shocking twists....