Garlic Marketing Show

Best Practices Are for the Average - TAO 013



Recorded in the car on the road, this episode we identify the number one criteria for success and in marketing. If you do this one thing, over and over, you will win.We will talk about Simon Sinek’s “Leaders Eat Last” and Grant Cardone’s “The 10x Rule”.Listen why “Best Practices” produce average results, and how to counteract those average results with “Only Practices” The number one criteria for success will not only help you dominate your competition. This “Only Practice” takes you to the point where you have no competition, like Google and Facebook.You might say “I am a... [Insert your small business], I can’t be like Facebook” That’s the mindset that leads to average results.If you want average results don’t listen to this podcast, and really don’t take the actions at the end of the podcast.I expect you want to 10x your business and be a market dominator, then take this “Only Practice” and make it your mantra. See for privacy and opt-out information.