Garlic Marketing Show

The Second Most Used Search Engine - TAO 016



Are taking advantage of the second most used search engine?In this episode I explain the importance of using video as content marketing strategy to become more known, like, and trusted. When we see people's face,  we start to like them. This goes back to our caveman brain. When we say someone regularly, we began to like and trust them. How often have you ever seen a celebrity in person and felt like you known them? Because you see them everywhere on TV. This same type of “celebrity effect” is available for you and your business.I’m convinced that video outperforms all other forms of marketing. It's also a powerful tool for delivering value and building relationships.Michelle Sparrow, a criminal defense attorney from North Carolina, recently shared her story. Michelle considered pursuing social work before getting into law. But she never shared this side of her story on video. Can you imagine the impact of her message now?Listen to this episode to learn 12 ways you can start using video to impact your business