Garlic Marketing Show

From 12 Steps to 3,000 Years of Wisdom On One Decision feat. David Bayer - TAO 29



When most people think of success, they look at the top line: money, a thriving business and lifestyle. David Bayer was living a “successful” life by traditional measure. He founded his first company shortly after graduating from Columbia University at the ripe age of 21. Three years later he was leading the online division for world a class Italian motorcycle company. By 30, David was starting his second business and raising millions from venture capital funds. In 2009 his life took a dramatic turn when David found himself in a 12 step program battling addiction. Through it all, David gained a newfound awareness for living more powerfully. In this episode David shares insights from his remarkable journey, discovery and study of major teachings and topics spanning 3,000 years across science, philosophy, religion, spirituality, metaphysics, and neuroscience. And if that’s not enough, you’ll learn exactly why deciding is more important than the how-to. Reading Now:Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for