
Siempo: Building an interface that encourages people to live in the present



Tech is everywhere which is amazing, but it is starting to get in the way of work and personal relationships. The result is that people are feeling distracted, stressed, and are trying to multitask more and more. People are also having communication issues and trouble disconnecting. In personal relationships, people are not as present with family and friends as they should be. Today, we interview Andrew Dunn who is working on a tool to help people resist digital dependency. Andrew Dunn is the Co-founder and CEO of Siempo a San Francisco based company with a mission of helping people build better relationships with technology. They are the designers of the “phone for humans” which is a new phone that helps people gain control over their time and attention while living more in the present. Too much screen time is something we can all relate to, and this is a wonderful idea. Episode Highlights: How tech can do so many amazing things, but we aren’t always able to achieve our personal goals. The way Andrew and Si