Butterfly Evolution

Conversations with Rodney & Tammy ~ The Year of 2020



2020-A Year to Remember or Forget Join Rodney and Tammy Tuesday December 8th @ 8PM CST for a discussion about the powerful lessons about life, love, relationships and growth in the year of 2020. We will share how we embraced 2020, how or if we were affected.  We will share what we learned and how we plan to move forward into 2021.  Listen, comment and or share your 2020 Story @ 563-999-3542 or on line at www.blogtalkradio.com/butterflyevolution Dying To Live - Did 2020 Hold You Back? It's not about if you are smart but how you are smart. It's not about who you are but how you are. It's not about if you communicate but how you communiate. Nonetheless, it is more about Communication than you think. Learn why you respond to life, love, people and circumstances the way that you do... Visit Bluff City Leadership, take the assessment and receive a FREE Unpacking Your Personal Assessment Consultation.... Take the assessment NOW @ http://www.bluffcityleadership.com