Monsters' Advocate

Bad Dog



Monster's Advocate will be a weekly podcast focused around the unsung heros of myths and legends, the monsters! We’ll take a look at some monster-centric myths and legends, some not so ancient cryptids, and everything inbetween and try to sort out possible origin species, biological impetus for why they do what they do, and why we love to hear about them. Today's episode will be about some sweet legendary dogs!References: Dog FactsSkoglund, P.; Ersmark, E.; Palkopoulou, E.; Dalén, L. (2015). "Ancient Wolf Genome Reveals an Early Divergence of Domestic Dog Ancestors and Admixture into High-Latitude Breeds". Current Biology. 25 (11): 1515–9. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.04.019. PMID 26004765."Introduction to Coat Color Genetics" from Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. Web Site accessed January 12, 2008The Mini-Atlas of Dog Breeds by Andrew De Prisco, ISBN 0-86622-091-7, 1990, page 149,"... and Mastiffs were crossbred with the indigenous dogs, which were pro