Monsters' Advocate

War Dance



they're long, wiggly, and combine all the best qualities of both a cat and a snake. This episode, lets give weasels a chance, and learn a little bit about the weird and complicated relationship these rodentivores have with monstersadvocatepodcast@gmail.comWeasel facts culture and Pipe foxes石塚 1959, pp. 28-34南信濃村史 遠山』長野県南信濃村 1983年多田克己 (1990). 幻想世界の住人たち IV 日本編. Truth in fantasy. 新紀元社. pp. 212–213. ISBN 978-4-915146-44-2.早川孝太郎 (1974). "小県郡民譚集". 日本民俗誌大系. 第5巻. 角川書店. p. 91. ISBN 978-4-04-530305-0.千葉幹夫編 (1995). 全国妖怪事典 [National specter encyclopedia]. 小学館ライブラリー. 小学館. p. 65. ISBN 978-4-09-460074-2. See