Monsters' Advocate

Happy Howlidays



It's almost here folks, the shortest day of the year! Thursday December 21st is the winter solstice, and that means in addition to all the human winter festivities taking place, all the creatures of darkness are getting up to festivities too! Lets learn about the hardest working monster of them all, and werewolf birthday parties!ReferencesKallikantzaroiMiles, Clement A. (2008). Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan. USA: Zhingoora Books. p. 244. ISBN 978-1434473769.Vuković, Milan T. (2004). "Божићни празници". Народни обичаји, веровања и пословице код Срба [Serbian folk customs, beliefs, and sayings] (in Serbian) (12 ed.). werewolves