Wild Endeavors

We're Removing D&D from Wild Endeavors



AnnouncementI’m Thomas Marcetti, GM and producer of these Wild Endeavors.For what it’s worth, we wanted to take a position in regard to a number of incidents involving D&D and Wizards of the Coast that have come to our attention recently. Part of our position will be the removal of D&D as much as possible from this podcast for the foreseeable future.If you are not aware, this past year, numerous new concerns have come to light, including, but not limited to, Wizards of the Coast and D&D’s continued support and protection of sexual predators; their refusal to remove blatantly racist content from their stores, while they maintain aggressive censorship of LGBTQA creators, and the growing body of testimony from former and current employees as to how badly they mistreat people from marginalized communities, that is, the rare few that they hire in the first place.We are by no means perfect and we recognize that even with our efforts to remove it or not have it in the first place that there is some probl