Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

73. Aimee Tariq: How Near Death Experiences Can Be Your Greatest Teacher



“I was not scared of the illness itself. I thought, "This is just something that’s happening. It’s not going to be permanent. Either I’ll die or get better — those are the only two options I’m going to give myself."” When Aimme’s heart raced to 200bpm - even when she wasn’t doing anything - she knew there was something seriously wrong. At the time, the medical community didn’t even have a name for Aimee’s chronic condition - but that turned out to be a blessing.Aimee’s condition left her drained and debilitated. It was so severe she couldn’t even brush her teeth by herself. Aimee didn’t want to live like this. It wasn’t OK for her; so she made a choice. She knew she’d either die or get better.Turned out, life wanted the latter for her.When you’re not boxed in with a label or a specific diagnosis, you’re more able to tune into your own intuition. It’s what Aimee did. She removed toxins from her life, started eating organic, and invested in alternative therapies. The results were astounding. Aimee went from bei