Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

88. Mark Crandall: How To Release Deep Trauma and Live Your Best Life



“Everything from my past happened for me. And not only did it happen for me, it happened for me to show others that they can overcome their past as well.” Mark Crandall endured an unbelievably traumatic childhood. He was burnt with cigarettes, handcuffed inside a locked closet, and neglected by his parents. Taken into foster care age 3, life didn’t get any better. He started stealing, became addicted to drugs, and spent seven years in and out of prison. None of this was his fault. He’d been dealt a rotten hand by life and after enduring so much trauma, this was his destiny. Then Mark met Rob - his first mentor. Rob asked Mark a question that literally changed his life in a heartbeat. “What’s it like being a 25-year-old man living the ages of 3-7. What’s it like to play the victim?”This question kick-started an awakening in Mark. He began to question everything n an attempt to strip away the layers and get closer to his heart. Mark was done allowing his past trauma to define his life. He was don