Eagle's Eye: The Responsible Mining Podcast

An Introduction to Eagle's Eye



In this episode, host Alan Coutts introduces the Eagle's Eye podcast. Alan is President and CEO of Noront Resources, the company leading development of Ontario’s emerging, mineral-rich Ring of Fire mining district. His career has literally taken him to the ends of the earth–from the Arctic Circle to the South Pacific. He has also worked extensively throughout Canada, Scandinavia and Australasia for some of the world’s largest mining companies. Regardless of where mining has taken him, collaborative development has been a consistent theme in his career. This means not only developing and operating of mines in cooperation with local populations but doing so in a manner that shows respect for local customs and the environment. His experience includes working closely with the Inuit and First Nations in Canada, and the indigenous populations of Western Australia and New Caledonia. He will share what he’s learned and how it has shaped the way Noront plans to develop its first mine