Job Story

Origin Story



Job Story #17 is a bit of a cop-out. I'll admit it, I wanted Labor Day off. But something interesting happened. While dubbing material for my ongoing "Defunct Media Digitizing Project" I stumbled across an Aerial View from four years ago that sowed the seeds for this podcast. The episode is from Sep. 2, 2014 and is entitled "The Working Life". Here's the description from the playlist page:Tonight, I'd like to hear your stories about the best and worst gigs you've had and what you've learned on the job. Other things to discuss:How do you prepare for your work day?Living on unemployment.The job search.Co-worker Conflict.Horrible Bosses.The Day I Got Fired.Weekend Warrior.Public Employees: Scum of the Earth?I don't like Mondays: the worst day of the week at work.Scary Co-workers: Are you armed?Slacking on the Job.Changing Careers.Romance in the Workplace.Watercooler Gossip.When Do You Know It's Time to Go?LinkedIn,, Career Builder & other job search sites.That's Job Storyright