Becky Talks Parks: Parks & Recreation Podcast For Passionate Professionals

2.25: Preparing for your Best Mentorship with Meredith Lawrence



Have you ever had someone that truly believed in you?  Who truly saw your potential and walked alongside you to watch you succeed?  Who pushed you to the next level in your career?   That is the definition of a great mentor, and That's what a mentorship can do for you. COVID-19 is going to deeply impact students and young professionals futures. Having the support you need is critically important right now. Having a mentor can be a career (or even life changing) opportunity. But knowing how to find a mentor, or how to structure a mentorship, how to nurture that relationship can be a daunting task. You want it to be meaningful to both parties which requires some thought and intention.    As a young professional, sometimes it can be scary to reach out and talk with others that you look up to.  You know you could learn so much from them, but you really don't where to begin. One thing that I think is important is to always be curious. Always assume you don't know it all