Podcasts In Color

003 The Savage Life



Episode notes Pitch Your Podcast Examples: “Getting Animated” podcast is a weekly show that goes over anime news,things going on in our community and of course fangirling! https://twitter.com/gettinganimated/status/951138297144926208 “A Black true crime podcast hosted by two inquisitive and ridiculous social workers” Available on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and Google Play!” https://twitter.com/WhatDidYouDoPod/status/95113960838082150 “Pink Lemonade focuses on personal growth & development to help you shed doubt and become the best version of yourself.” https://twitter.com/whitneylbarkley/status/951148543179460608 Podcasts in Color Pitch Your Podcast Storify http://podcastsincolor.com/podsincolornews/pitchwednesdays Podcasts in Color Merch! https://podcastsincolor.merchdirect.com/Audiogram’sSparemin Tool to make them https://audiogram.sparemin.com/audiogram/ Sample Sparemin Audiogram’s https://www.instagram.com/p/Bawx1nEFMqW/?taken-by=podcastsincolor https://www.instagram.com/p/BaudEB6h20S/?taken-by=pod