Podcasts In Color

Podcast Tips From Berry



PodcastsinColor.com #Podin When you are listening to podcasts Or #PodsInColor when you are sharing podcastsUsing them together just makes me sad because why would I have created two? I get it though. Because a podcast is a podsincolor when you are listening too but people don't research hashtag meanings or use so, I do not use them together. PodcastsinColor.Merchdirect.com PodsInColor News Sponsorship Post This episode is on podcast tips. I first talk about episode notes, here are two examples of great episode notes Example #1 - Example #2 - Example #3.  for me it’s about how they show up in podcast apps. I look for social media of the guest and the podcast by LINKS! Because being able to click a link is the best. The best Twitter profile example. I like that it lists with @’s so you can go to their profiles, the co hosts. Includes a android/web page link plus an Apple Podcasts link. We all know things change overtime and betting all your apples on Apple when they barely even feature black podcasts aint