Ae Dossier

OFFSIDE #26: Living With Aging Parents ;



In Singapore, it is common that you live with your immediate family until you get married and can buy a house. But not many people can bear or want to do the heavy lifting of living with aging parents when their senses are deteriorating as we speak. It is not easy, trust me. You argue over the slightest things. You barely sleep because you are worried that they might fall or die in their sleep.  But, I also realize it is not the time to pick our wounds over what they did and what they didn't. It is a privilege if we did that.   One advice: They only have so much time and despite the silly times that they might have put us through, look at their great sacrifices as well. Fear of regretting is forever.  Also, parents listening, be easy on your kids. They're still trying to figure it out as much as you are (yes, Mama & Papa). But, I'm sure they love you with all their hearts.